
TSMC 經營策略 Sep. 7, 1998 …… Morris

TSMC 策略:

I 滿足客戶需求(Satisfying Customer Needs)

1. 提供的產品能讓客戶技術超越對手或者至少能跟其對手競爭。
Technology that allows the customer to out compete, or at least be competitive with, his competitor

2. 在台積電的能力範圍內彈性支援客戶需求。(製程參數改變會影響幾台壽命及穩定,為了滿足客戶需求,做彈性更改)
Flexibility in TSMC’s ability to respond to demand

3. 低價。(價格是市場購買驅動力,wafer從4“到12”,製程進步到1 nm,都是為了單位面積有最大的晶片產出)

Low Price

4. 縮短tape-out生產周期,完成wafer生產。(科技產品生命周期只有半年,越快的晶片產出,代表Foundry越來越有競爭力)
Short cycle time from tape-out to finished production wafers

5. 品質及可靠度。(品管是產品品牌及口碑的核心)
Quality & reliability

6. 『設計服務』能幫客戶超越對手或起碼和其對手競爭 。(TSMC 成立創意3443 IP 服務公司)
Design services to help customer to outcompete, or least be competitive with, his competitors

7. 流暢的和台積電的溝通。
Seamless communication with TSMC

8. 全套完整服務。 (從IP,3DIC,SoC,I-Foundry 線上Foundry都提供,讓客戶安心)
Turn-Key services

9. 保護客戶機密資訊。(設立PIP制度)
Protection of customer’s proprietary information

10. 對於每個可能發生的問題給予即時的協助和解法。(Schedule,Monitor,Review)
Instant efforts and solution of any problems that may crop up

11. 在台積電的權責範圍內像夥伴一樣合作。
Partnership attitude and behavior on TSMC’s part

II. 組織成為一個以市場和服務為中心的公司   (Organized to be a Marketing & Service-Centered Company)

1. 每位員工都是公司的銷售人員。
Every Employee is a sales person for the company

2. 高階主管(職級38以上)必須是好的商人,並且是好的銷售人員及專業人士。如果他們還不是的話,必須被自我訓練成為是好的商人。
Upper level managers (j.g. 38 and higher) must be good businessmen in addition to being good salesmen and good professionals. If they are not, they should train themselves or be trained to be.

價格策略( prices strategy):1. 所有的價格策略都在開創利潤,但是不能丟到生意。
All prices strategy is to open a premium, but not lose the business.2.要執行策略成功,最根本的是要和客戶有好的關係,最好的關係標杆是和客戶有從頭到尾緊密觀照。
To execute the strategy successfully, it’s a essential to have a excellent relationship with the customer. The benchmark of that relationship is to have the “first and the last look” with customer.3.對客戶我們只能容許一次彈性調整價格;同樣地,應該讓客戶可以超越直接競爭對手們。
We can be flexible in pricing with one time only “buffer” deal is offerred to one customer, similar this should be over to his direct competitors in the same field.



1. 常態的獨立導向之客戶服務。
Regular independently-conducted customer survey

2. 客戶的回饋及完美處理客戶問題。
Customer feedback and satisfactory handling of customer problems

3. 財務表現。(特別是營收成長及ROE)
Financial Performance (particularly revenue growth and ROE)

4. 股價。(投資人對公司的評價)
Share Price 

5. 市占率。(相較於其它競爭對手)
Market Share (particularly as is relates to competitors)

6. 財經和大眾媒體的報告。
Financial and mass media reports