

聯合國漁業及農業組織(FAO)的《2020年世界漁業和水產養殖狀況》(SOFIA)報告顯示,過度捕撈已從2018年的33.1%增加到34.2%的野生種群,稱“可持續性失敗是複雜的,需要量身定制的解決方案” 。


Key points from the UN report

  Total fish production is set to increase to 204 million tonnes in 2030, up 15 percent from 2018

  aquaculture’s share growing from its current 46 percent

  growth is around half the increase recorded in the previous decade

  annual per capita fish food consumption is 20.5 kilograms, and forecast to reach 21.5 kilograms by 2030.

  34.2 percent of fish stocks are now fished at biologically unsustainable levels, and is not globally improving

  78.7 percent of all fish landed come from biologically sustainable stocks

  catches of all kinds of tuna reached their highest level, about 7.9 million tonnes in 2018. Two thirds of tuna stocks are now fished at biologically sustainable levels, an increase of 10 percentage points in just two years.

資料來源:Marine Stewardship Council